Biz Babes explores the story of sister entrepreneurs Kalie and Kimberly, who collectively make up Travel In Chic. Travel In Chic originated with the goal of creating an elegant, ethical bag that perfectly matched the beauty, quality, and versatility of the everyday woman. Travel In Chic currently has 4 items available on their website, all beautiful accessories designed to handle the nuances of life. Beyond the amazing products Kallie and Kimberly create, they also find ways to give back to the communities they serve. Travel In Chic donates 2% of every purchase to an organization called A21, which raises awareness and provides support for the survivors of Human Trafficking around the world. Kallie and Kimberly have managed to create a brand that blends morality with beauty and function, all while supporting a good cause. In the words of Kallie and Kimberly, “To Travel in Chic means to maneuver through this world with love, grace and compassion.” Having their product available in 14 stores and counting, you won’t want to miss the insight these young businesswomen have to offer. You can learn more about their products on or on instagram @TravelinChic.