Scale & Grow your real estate business!

04 Sep

Understand Your Anxiety with Dr. Julie!

Empowering women and men to look within and helping conquer fear is only a fraction of what Dr. Julie provides! Tune in to hear the differences between anxiety versus a panic attack, the misconceptions of seeing a psychologist, how to manage stress tips, and so much more! Julie treats a variety of different issues and loves sharing her knowledge! Dr. Julie does virtual sessions and is also toying with the idea of doing virtual workshops for women soon! To top it off Julie is also an advocate for cleaner, safer beauty at @beautycounter and shares a little about that! 


25 Aug

Do Start Ups Need Policies & Systems Too?!

Biz Babe Linsey Levine shares the fight for her career! From corporate America to startups, she has seen it all!  When companies don’t have the proper tools in place they most likely will not succeed, it is Linsey’s job to look to the root of the problem and determine the best remedies to ensure efficiency throughout organizations. This can be anywhere from policies and processes, compliance and risk management, organizational strategies, or all! The foundation of your business is crucial, listen in on how individuals like Linsey save big and small companies!

23 Aug

30 Minutes with Sexual Assault Attorney in Action!

Jessica Pride is the managing partner at The Pride Law Firm. From counselor and friend to aggressive legal advocate, Jessica Pride has been the lead lawyer on behalf of women, men and children who have been sexually assaulted for more than a decade. Dive deep into the life of a Victim Lawyer! Jessica Pride runs one of the best practices in San Diego! With a growing team and undefeated record she is determined to get justice for her clients. Jessica is headquartered in San Diego but can help anyone regardless of where you live so listen in on the struggles and success’s of this passionate biz babe, along with some tips and how to contact help if ever needed.

Instagram: @thepridelawfirm

31 Jul

Taking the Jump and Quitting your 9-5. With DREA.

BizBabe Drea made the unbelievable jump- headfirst into her business. Dropping everything she was accustomed to here in our very own La Jolla, she moved across the world to Bali, Indonesia. Living in Bali, she found a manufacturer to help her bring her swimsuit vision to life and share her ideas with everyone here in the US. Drea is a one-woman show, running her fast growing business on her own. Listen in to hear this impressive story! For more on Drea and her swimsuit business, follow @justandreaaaa and laelia_swim. 

09 Jul

How to Use Food to Heal with Katelyn Parsons

Katelyn Parsons is a certified holistic health coach + yoga teacher here in San Diego CA. Katelyn specializes in helping career driven women release weight and feel empowered around food, so that they have the energy and confidence to pursue their dreams. Katelyns priority is to create a supportive and successful environment for each of her clients. Her goal is to ensure an experience that guarantees a transformation that lasts. When Katelyn is not coaching or doing yoga, she is exploring the world with her husband, and enjoying multiple cups of tea with friends. For more information about Katelyn, follow her on IG @katelyn.parsons.

28 May

Understanding the Struggles of a Rapid Growing Company with Natalie Gill: Native Poppy

Natalie Gill- flower lover, artist, and business owner. Natalie’s flower business: Native Poppy, was established January of 2015 when she was only 25 years old! What started out as a solo venture in Natalie’s backyard, creating arrangements for events quickly expanded into a successful flower business. “Make the world a better place by creating beautiful flowers for life’s most important occasions.” The motto that the ‘Native Poppies’ live by. Natalie currently has two shops in San Diego, one in South Park, and one in Solana Beach which is brand new! Natalie is working with a product that has a limited life span! She keeps it real explaining the importance of workshops, teaching, learning, but most importantly… how she’s able to maintain her momentum through such a rapid growing biz! For more info on Natalie Gill and her beautiful flower business, follow her on IG @native_poppy.

28 May

The Importance of Understanding the Root to All Problems with Cristin: Saffron and Sage

‘Saffron & Sage’ Holistic Health Club founder Cristin Smith tells all on the ins and outs of her wellness center, and what they provide. Over the course of a year Cristin had formed a multi-disciplinary team of practitioners, from Los Angeles to Tijuana that consisted of two Medical Doctors (one with a background in Chinese Herbology and the other in Homeopathy), A Naturopath, a Nutritionist, a Colon Hydrotherapist, a Massage Therapist, a Yoga Instructor and a Chiropractor. From her own encounter with four tumors rapidly growing on her neck, Cristin chose to explore more natural options and began a journey towards wellness of the mind, body and spirit. Cristins Health Club stands out among the rest because she is the only one in San diego County to offer all of the above natural holistic practices in one place. Cristin focuses on the root of her patients problems- after a consultation she tries to solve not only the issue at hand but whatever underlying problem that may be causing it. Their mission is to create therapeutic and healing spaces for those who, like Cristin, are looking for another way. For more info on Saffron & Sage, and Holistic Healing, follow them on IG @saffronandsageus.

24 Apr

Danyelle Wolf: Your Mentality is Your Strongest Asset.

Danyelle Wolf, the three time US boxing champion and lifelong athlete, graduated from Millersville University. Shortly after graduating, she moved here to our very own San Diego. Danyelle has only been boxing since 2008, she began taking boxing classes and coaching herself at local gyms. She continued to progress and considered the possibility that she might have a future as a professional boxer. With high motivation, strong mental skills, and commitment she has reached her goals and achieved what some may think is impossible. She explains in detail how to successfully reach the goals you set, get from ‘a to b’, and how your positive mentality can be your strongest asset. For a closer look into Danyelle’s life, follow her on instagram @danyellewolf. 

23 Apr

Staying Organic on Social Media with Kelly Noel!

Kelly Dawn Noel is a San Diego based brand & social media consultant. In her words, “I help heart-centered entrepreneurs share their passion through creative branding, social media strategies, and visual storytelling.” She is the owner and operator of @supportsdlocal – a social marketing business, based here in San Diego. This episode Kelly teaches us the importance of staying organic and real on social media, and why hiring a professional social media consultant can be so beneficial for your business. For more on Kelly, her strategies, social media, and marketing, follow @kellydawnnoel & @supportsdlocal.

09 Apr

Untalked about effects of social media on influencers with Whitney Eckis!

Entrepreneur, Influencer, Digital Marketer, and Social Queen- Whitney Eckis. Whitney specializes in taking businesses to the next level with her marketing skills. Whitney has worked with top brands such as Red Bull North America, HIlton Worldwide, Marriott Hotels and resorts and several small businesses in our very own San Diego community! Whitney has her bachelor’s degree in communications and media studies from Vanguard University. Whitney began her very own marketing company called Eckis Marketing. Her company services many up and coming and well-established businesses. Tune in to hear how Whitney explains the untalked about effects of social media on influencers and the importance of it all! For more of Whitney, follow her Instagram: @whit-stagram and her marketing/advertising instagram: @eckismarketing.