‘Saffron & Sage’ Holistic Health Club founder Cristin Smith tells all on the ins and outs of her wellness center, and what they provide. Over the course of a year Cristin had formed a multi-disciplinary team of practitioners, from Los Angeles to Tijuana that consisted of two Medical Doctors (one with a background in Chinese Herbology and the other in Homeopathy), A Naturopath, a Nutritionist, a Colon Hydrotherapist, a Massage Therapist, a Yoga Instructor and a Chiropractor. From her own encounter with four tumors rapidly growing on her neck, Cristin chose to explore more natural options and began a journey towards wellness of the mind, body and spirit. Cristins Health Club stands out among the rest because she is the only one in San diego County to offer all of the above natural holistic practices in one place. Cristin focuses on the root of her patients problems- after a consultation she tries to solve not only the issue at hand but whatever underlying problem that may be causing it. Their mission is to create therapeutic and healing spaces for those who, like Cristin, are looking for another way. For more info on Saffron & Sage, and Holistic Healing, follow them on IG @saffronandsageus.